Full Embodiment Library
16 Seasons
This is a full library of over 130 somatic and embodiment practices ranging from vinyasa yoga, restorative, and gentle to more somatic explorations of Authentic Flow, Shake The Dust, Embodied Yin and more. Most classes include meditation, mantra, and tantra-inspired teachings woven into embodiment practices for deeper exploration and wholeness.
Gentle-Receptive5060 min-11-08-22-Small.mp4
Episode 1
1:01:37Episode 2
Open To What Arises
Episode 2
a 60 minute Gentle class (with moderate options given for raising the intensity level) which will focus on inviting whatever emotions are ready to come up and be seen and holding space for these with meditation and āsana. Options will be given to allow emotion to be fully experienced through stil...
1:01:19Episode 3
Expanding The Center
Episode 3
"The blessed goddess, who is simply awareness, is called the center because she continuously exists as the most intimate core of all and it is impossible that anything could exist separately from that ground." (Hareesh) Expanding the Center – In this gentle to moderate class you will be guided th...
59:15Episode 4
Gentle Embodiment Sadhana
Episode 4
Gentle to Moderate 40 minutes of movement and asana, followed by 10 minutes of prāṇāyāma and 10 minutes of meditation with optional movement component. No music.
1:00:38Episode 5
Flow Through Structure – Hips
Episode 5
Hips- Gentle+ Use this framework to explore your hips and give your body what it needs with a couple optional moderate moves. Before I had a mic!
keywords: 60 minutes, gentle, moderate, level 1, embodiment, somatic, asana, hatha, vinyasa, lunges
59:00Episode 6
Gentle Forward Bends
Episode 6
In this gentle class use forward bends to open into relaxation and feel energy move through your body freely and spontaneously. Integrate with free movement. No music.
49:57Episode 7
Authentic Flow: Gentle Neck Release
Episode 7
Neck Release & Meditation – use slow, explorative movements to release the neck while gently opening the whole body, ending with a meditation on the central channel.
playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/7xriY28xgrCA5CIBNcrWo4?si=1144472bde8c402d
keywords: 50 minutes, gentle, level 1, medi... -
Gentle Winter Solstice – Mantra & Prostrations
Episode 8
Gentle Mantra, Meditation, and Prostrations for the Solstice – Agni and Gayatri mantras, free movement, and devotional prostrations to candle light.
playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/3fiNqLtJFIlYy4omtkotMA?si=8da65a5af773466b
keywords: 50 minutes, gentle, level 1, mantra, meditation, r... -
50:28Episode 9
Gentle: Lakṣmi / Desire / Shoulders
Episode 9
Welcome in forgotten or pushed away desires as we work deeply to embody and nourish the shoulders with Downward Dog, Dolphin, shoulder focused sun salutations, and deep floor stretches focusing on the shoulders.
playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/6gWTXbAWmJnZPgMFoRsHs8?si=b6a882e025c644...
46:11Episode 10
Gentle Kālī: Black Radiance
Episode 10
Using Kali’s mantra, a somatic meditation and poetry, we slip into an energy guided gentle practice on the void within. Please have a strap and a block and set your Spotify Playback to Crossfade 5 sec. In Spotify go to Profile > Settings & Privacy > Playback > Crossfade.
playlist: https://open.s...
48:41Episode 11
Gentle Inquiry
Episode 11
Chant bija mantras of the goddess Om Aim Hrim Srim, energy body meditation and use gentle hip openers to inquire to the body “if you had a message for me what would it be?”
playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/7xdcEPh02en2LXkvbUP92x?si=d0894651f6ab40d6
keywords: 50 minutes, gentle, level ... -
54:21Episode 12
Gentle Air & Prana
Episode 12
In this practice we aim to inhabit the body, rather than have awareness of it as a separate object. Includes mantra, breath meditation and gentle poses invoking the air element and prana.
playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/0OXP1MdSf7AeyuWY7LU4h8?si=6d4d224912de4de6
keywords: 50 minutes,... -
58:33Episode 13
Gentle: Earth’s Lullaby
Episode 13
Using the bija mantra for the earth element, meditation, and slow deep stretches and free movement, we commune with the earth. Our experience of grounding, fertility, stability, nourishment and support are invoked, cultivated as well as our energetic connection with the earth below.
playlist: ht...
56:44Episode 14
Gentle: Elemental Water
Episode 14
Beginning with mantra meditation and progressing from free movement to more structured āsana, we invite the water in our bodies and the quality of fluidity to inspire our movement. We use the bija mantra VAM.
playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/4jkKEVFslj4wTNaNT4Xi2j?si=Kg9mspzqTrq7JDAUR...
58:39Episode 15
Sun Salutations & Embodied Yin: Gentle
Episode 15
Practice pranayama & mediation, followed by sun salutations (20 minutes) to warm up and limber up, followed by a gentle embodied yin to relax and release. Have a block and a strap, if you like.
keywords: 60 minutes, gentle, yin, surya namaskar, level 1, bedtime yoga, restorative, flow, spontane...
45:13Episode 16
Episode 16
45 minutes of completely chill, relaxing stretches. If you have a bolster or two, that will make your practice more cozy, but not entirely necessary. I’m recovering from the flu, so this practice will be well suited to anyone who is recuperating, fatigued, menstruating, etc. Nourish and soothe yo...
44:38Episode 17
Bedtime Yoga
Episode 17
This is a practice that can be done on your mat, or in bed. Start with standing forward bends and progress into hip openers and leg stretches to put you into deep relaxation, followed by a body scan that may lead you right into sleep!
keywords: 45 minutes, gentle, level 1, restorative, therapeutic
48:39Episode 18
Sacred Stillness
Episode 18
Gentle Embodiment Sadhana: Practice a few gentle stretches, Samavritti pranayama, and a body scan which includes the 3 bindus.
playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/3mo2hrHVTkeowEnApmAaNI?si=1f086a85bbac4092
keywords: 50 minutes, gentle, level 1, meditation, pranayama, restorative, therape... -
1:01:43Episode 19
Release Neck and Upper Back
Episode 19
Through both activation and relaxation of the neck and upper back we bring awareness and release to these commonly tense areas.
keywords: 60 minutes, gentle, therapeutic
46:45Episode 20
Recovery & Release – Shoulders
Episode 20
Use this session when you are recovering from physical activity, or mental and emotional stress. Release and relax the shoulders and all the joints of the body, going deep into silence and stillness, interspersed with gentle movement.
playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/20KNh42H2cB3EAfdR...
1:00:43Episode 21
Deep Stretch: Shoulders & Hips
Episode 21
Focus on the shoulders and hips, with deep breathing and meditation. This class will be a simple, therapeutic practice curated to help you nourish and recharge after the holiday celebrations. It will be mostly gentle, with just a few full body circulation moves to get clear, fresh energy moving t...
1:03:26Episode 22
Deep Earth Healing
Episode 22
In this gentle practice we dive in with free movement for a longer "You" song, then go into Bhumi Namaskar, salutations to the earth. Staying close to the ground and invoking grounded earth energy we nourish and feed our being with this stable, slow, connected movement and breath.
playlist: htt...
Full Body Gentle Stretch - Mantras - Meditation
Episode 23
We start standing and make our way to the floor with various forward bends, practice a channel cleansing pranayama, goddess bijas (Om, Aim, Hreem, Shreem) and silent meditation. A blissful and calming practice.
keywords: goddess, mantra, deity, bija, 60 minutes, gentle, level 1, meditation, pran...
58:46Episode 24
Gentle Flow Root Down
Episode 24
We practice Earth Salutations and focus on the base of the torso, the root chakra, the pelvic floor, going very slowly with lots of silence. Restorative pose and meditation complete our practice.
playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/5ivbsAl8En8WFrbvbYh7ZL?si=bbaee6d91d5f4be0
keywords: 60 ...