"The blessed goddess, who is simply awareness, is called the center because she continuously exists as the most intimate core of all and it is impossible that anything could exist separately from that ground." (Hareesh) Expanding the Center – In this gentle to moderate class you will be guided through a brief meditation into accessing your center or core and through each pose expanding that center of awareness into your whole body and beyond.
Up Next in Gentle
Gentle Embodiment Sadhana
Gentle to Moderate 40 minutes of movement and asana, followed by 10 minutes of prāṇāyāma and 10 minutes of meditation with optional movement component. No music.
Flow Through Structure – Hips
Hips- Gentle+ Use this framework to explore your hips and give your body what it needs with a couple optional moderate moves. Before I had a mic!
keywords: 60 minutes, gentle, moderate, level 1, embodiment, somatic, asana, hatha, vinyasa, lunges
Gentle Forward Bends
In this gentle class use forward bends to open into relaxation and feel energy move through your body freely and spontaneously. Integrate with free movement. No music.