In this gentle class use forward bends to open into relaxation and feel energy move through your body freely and spontaneously. Integrate with free movement. No music.
Up Next in Gentle
Authentic Flow: Gentle Neck Release
Neck Release & Meditation – use slow, explorative movements to release the neck while gently opening the whole body, ending with a meditation on the central channel.
keywords: 50 minutes, gentle, level 1, medi... -
Gentle Winter Solstice – Mantra & Pro...
Gentle Mantra, Meditation, and Prostrations for the Solstice – Agni and Gayatri mantras, free movement, and devotional prostrations to candle light.
keywords: 50 minutes, gentle, level 1, mantra, meditation, r... -
Gentle: Lakṣmi / Desire / Shoulders
Welcome in forgotten or pushed away desires as we work deeply to embody and nourish the shoulders with Downward Dog, Dolphin, shoulder focused sun salutations, and deep floor stretches focusing on the shoulders.