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Sun Salutations & Embodied Yin: Gentle


Up Next in Gentle

  • BLISSPOD: Restore

    45 minutes of completely chill, relaxing stretches. If you have a bolster or two, that will make your practice more cozy, but not entirely necessary. I’m recovering from the flu, so this practice will be well suited to anyone who is recuperating, fatigued, menstruating, etc. Nourish and soothe yo...

  • Bedtime Yoga

    This is a practice that can be done on your mat, or in bed. Start with standing forward bends and progress into hip openers and leg stretches to put you into deep relaxation, followed by a body scan that may lead you right into sleep!

    keywords: 45 minutes, gentle, level 1, restorative, therapeutic

  • Sacred Stillness

    Gentle Embodiment Sadhana: Practice a few gentle stretches, Samavritti pranayama, and a body scan which includes the 3 bindus.

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