Full Embodiment Library

Full Embodiment Library

16 Seasons

This is a full library of over 130 somatic and embodiment practices ranging from vinyasa yoga, restorative, and gentle to more somatic explorations of Authentic Flow, Shake The Dust, Embodied Yin and more. Most classes include meditation, mantra, and tantra-inspired teachings woven into embodiment practices for deeper exploration and wholeness.

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Full Embodiment Library
  • Authentic Flow: Navel Radiation

    Episode 1

    In this authentic flow practice our access point will be the navel center. Deep diaphragmatic breathing or kapalbhati are your pranayama choices, followed by a navel radiation meditation, and then movement prompts using the navel as our starting point and guide.

    Playlist: https://open.spotify.c...

  • Authentic Flow: Back of The Heart

    Episode 2

    Cultivate awareness and sensation in the muscles between the scapula and spine, as well as the energetic space of the back door of the heart, through free movement, sun salutations, and side planks. Empower yourself and listen to the inner teacher.

    playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/6hF...

  • Authentic Flow for Yogāsana Practitioners

    Episode 3

    There is some kind of magic that happens with a combination of evocative music, a bit of guiding language and space holding (but not too much), and movement which can bring you into an altered state of awareness that often yields insight and/or a direct experience of reality, unmediated by your t...

  • Authentic Flow - Creation: The First Act

    Episode 4

    CREATION – The First Act – Today we connect to the point from which all things arise, the point of creation, or emission. Lots of free movement, no demonstration.

    Spotify playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/4dJXM3FUyjZlbLN6esldr4?si=0022bfbffa7a462f

  • Authentic Flow - The Third Act: Dissolution (Saṃhāra)

    Episode 5

    Saṃhāra – The Third Act – Invoke the process of dissolution or reabsorption through your embodiment. Start with guided sequences and dissolve into free form movement. Begins with Kāli mantras and ends with silent savasana.

    Spotify playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/0nR5LPXGLdN1wm9416x9...

  • Authentic Flow: Cellular Breathing

    Episode 6

    45 minutes Gentle Embodied Yin – Cellular Breathing. Use audio cues only to allow yourself to be guided, eyes closed, into the cellular experience of your tissues.

    Spotify Link: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/4XlRdff9Q2WDEVVWKfcmCO?si=31555dd13c034f3f

  • Authentic Flow: Agni & Bakāsana

    Episode 7

    We’ll invoke Agni with a mantra, then using the access point of Navel radiation we’ll activate the energy lines and release the blockages that prevent Bakāsana or Crane pose.

    playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/6Sh8whhwC4xUwroK70GRdx?si=6cb1a686f4fa4476

    keywords: 60 minutes, level 1, le...

  • AF-ForYogasanaPx-5-14-24

    Episode 8

  • Authentic Flow: Love & Truth

    Episode 9

    Explore two aspects of Pure Motive, practicing out of love for oneself and from a desire to know the truth above all else. When we come from these motivations in our movement practice it paves the way and sets our compass to come from these motivations throughout our lives.

    Link to Spotify play...

  • Authentic Flow: Spanda

    Episode 10

    Motionless Movement – Using a moderate sequence of poses, some vinyasa and unstructured movement, focus on relaxed open awareness to perceive the vibrationless-vibration that is essential to Trika Shaivism.

    Playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/0QhTgfzlEOmL6NWZl4Zy5N?si=40c8dc19d4f64fff

  • Authentic Flow: From Doing to Being

    Episode 11

    This movement practice brings the intention to let go of the doer and to embrace being, flowing, and arising energy without needing to direct any energy or intention with the mind. Basic sun salutations, vinyasa flow and physical postures are practiced along with non-structured movement.


  • Authentic Flow – The Neck & Vishuddha Chakra

    Episode 12

    Using this portal of the neck, the throat chakra, the junction between the head and the rest of the body, we will enter into the space of direct experience, intimacy with ourselves and this very potent part of the body. We’ll chant the bija mantras on the petals of the throat chakra, the vowels o...

  • Authentic Flow - High to Low

    Episode 13

    Start with high energy movement and slowly make your way to the floor. The audio is slightly out of sync for this one but if you mainly keep your eyes closed and listen to the guidance, you probably won't even notice.

    Playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/6r1NqXfz6dVj8bXn4ePJjz?si=45a4925...

  • Authentic Flow – Alignment for Energetic Activation

    Episode 14

    We will use alignment cues not for physical correctness, or safety or aesthetics, but instead to generate and connect to lines of energy in the body. Foundational practice.

    Playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/4JIjuF5Y2HShBuyz4sQ1NX?si=0719b49917164eab

  • Authentic Flow: Blood

    Episode 15

    Blood – the water of life that flows through each of us. The fluid that nourishes all of our cell tissues. The rhythm of life that pumps in our chest. I invite you to open a dialogue with your own blood and let it speak to you through your body. Who knows what it might say!

    Playlist: https://ope...

  • Authentic Flow: LUNGS

    Episode 16

    Using the lungs and breath as our access point, we explore a deeper embodiment, allowing the lungs to move through us and as us.

    Playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/04zDGwnujYmHGIXMPBkJUx?si=c12799c13b924fbc

  • Authentic Flow: Spacious Receptivity

    Episode 17

    In this active class explore the qualities of spaciousness and receptivity with engaging music, vinyasa flows and spontaneous movement.

    Playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/0DJ3HAkCn67FNLKSnkBG3x?si=556429f42bf3474a

  • Authentic Flow: The Source of Movement

    Episode 18

    An authentic flow practice that is ‘advanced’ due to there being no demonstration, however the poses are simple and can be practiced moderate to vigorously. Go deep within to sense the source of movement within yourself.

    Playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/6aQRFOdUZd5Q0COV4LMCXs?si=0ffb4...

  • Authentic Flow: Allow Life to Touch You

    Episode 19

    playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2Yd1nYiLWaVRfueS6Yit3j?si=01eec47398ae4cc3

  • Authentic Flow: Accessing Innate Joy

    Episode 20

    Through free movement and structured flows we call on our deep resources of the full heart’s consent, a total YES to what’s happening, and our own inner motivations to access the joy that is within.

    playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/5XMMsf5xfY8wcydJ6JGOVK?si=e47f92ff0e64488f


  • Authentic Flow: Desire

    Episode 21

    Cultivate willingness to feel all your desires fully. We invoke Lakṣmi with her mantra Om Shrim Mahalakshmiyai Namah and use hip openers and free movement to explore our energy of desire.

    playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2SX1dLwnpSWlN1cidwx8iu?si=77627bf3257d400e

    keywords: 45 minutes...

  • Authentic Flow: The Alchemy of Fire

    Episode 22

    Purifying fire, the element of digestion. Digest your experiences so that you may be nourished by them. This practice is intended to give you the opportunity to digest and burn through whatever is ready to be assimilated into your energy body, through tapas and commitment. We start with the mantr...

  • Authentic Flow: Shake - Meditate - Resonate

    Episode 23

    This practice begins with 15 minutes of vigorous but basic movement to clear energy then moves into a contemplative practice including pranayama, mantra, and blissfully silent meditation.

    playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/53JDaHkdQXxFR5vmFKUFpN?si=c664802657b049d1

    keywords: shake, vig...

  • Authentic Flow: The Alchemy of Earth

    Episode 24

    We will use the EARTH element as our entry point to the embodied experience. The bīja mantra for the earth is LAṂ and we’ll start by chanting this and then go into somatic explorations grounded in the earth, our bones and invoking the red bindu which symbolizes EMBODIMENT – our bodies are made of...