We will use alignment cues not for physical correctness, or safety or aesthetics, but instead to generate and connect to lines of energy in the body. Foundational practice.
Playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/4JIjuF5Y2HShBuyz4sQ1NX?si=0719b49917164eab
Up Next in Authentic Flow
Authentic Flow: Blood
Blood – the water of life that flows through each of us. The fluid that nourishes all of our cell tissues. The rhythm of life that pumps in our chest. I invite you to open a dialogue with your own blood and let it speak to you through your body. Who knows what it might say!
Playlist: https://ope...
Authentic Flow: LUNGS
Using the lungs and breath as our access point, we explore a deeper embodiment, allowing the lungs to move through us and as us.
Playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/04zDGwnujYmHGIXMPBkJUx?si=c12799c13b924fbc
Authentic Flow: Spacious Receptivity
In this active class explore the qualities of spaciousness and receptivity with engaging music, vinyasa flows and spontaneous movement.
Playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/0DJ3HAkCn67FNLKSnkBG3x?si=556429f42bf3474a