Full Embodiment Library
16 Seasons
This is a full library of over 130 somatic and embodiment practices ranging from vinyasa yoga, restorative, and gentle to more somatic explorations of Authentic Flow, Shake The Dust, Embodied Yin and more. Most classes include meditation, mantra, and tantra-inspired teachings woven into embodiment practices for deeper exploration and wholeness.
58:58Episode 1
Somatic Asana: Allow Everything To Be
Episode 1
In this series of postures we explore the modes of imagining what it would be like to allow everything to be just as it is, and to move from something other than your mental activity. We discuss how to use asana in a tantric way and whether we're doing traditional tantric practices (we're not!). ...
1:01:37Episode 2
Open To What Arises
Episode 2
a 60 minute Gentle class (with moderate options given for raising the intensity level) which will focus on inviting whatever emotions are ready to come up and be seen and holding space for these with meditation and āsana. Options will be given to allow emotion to be fully experienced through stil...
1:05:54Episode 3
Sahaja Vinyasa - Spontaneous Flow
Episode 3
Beginning with basic sun salutations, we’ll start with structured vinyasa practice and slowly progress to more and more freedom and spontaneity, with music and mantra.
playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/26AevvFFkzMg6umPwTwjBB?si=e711b2debefe4632
keywords: 60 minutes, level 1, level 2, m... -
1:02:15Episode 4
Listen To The Flow
Episode 4
Cultivate the ability to listen inside to how your body wants to move as we practice breathwork, sun salutation variations, and savasana.
keywords: 60 minutes, level 1, level 2, meditation, moderate, pranayama, Nadi shodana, alternate nostril breathing, vinyasa, sun salutations, variations
1:01:59Episode 5
Intimacy With The Breath
Episode 5
A Gently Moderate practice with focus on intimacy with the breath and with our present experience, we work slowly to open the front of the thigh and hip flexors, with pulsation and breath.
keywords: 60 minutes, gentle, moderate, level 1, level 2, pranayama, somatic, asana, embodiment, awareness,...
59:33Episode 6
Somatic Asana - Toning
Episode 6
We use asana in a somatic way, as well as using vibration and chanting. Instead of focusing on alignment or a linear approach to asana, it's more that we feel from the inside what feels right and listen from the inside for emotions and reactions. Stay with what arises.
keywords: om, mantra, ton...
58:08Episode 7
Somatic Asana: Practice & Play
Episode 7
Sit in silence for a few minutes before diving into a guided asana practice with lots of space for exploration and free movement. Moderate
playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/6wOQW8kyUcgC05V1r87HSe?si=5034721c9514417e
keywords: 60 minutes, gentle, level 1, level 2, moderate, meditation, ... -
1:01:53Episode 8
Somatic Asana: IT Band
Episode 8
Begin with a short meditation and then proceed through mostly gentle asanas (only 2 standing poses) to bring our awareness into the legs, soothe and stretch them.
playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/7u6B9TSgNa3UX63l9Jr9Su?si=233350eba0f548de
keywords: 60 minutes, gentle, level 1, meditat... -
51:29Episode 9
Somatic Asana: Yielding
Episode 9
Explore the process of yielding through movement meditation and a series of asanas. Merge with the flow of energy moving through your practice.
playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/7qnBOM6SPZRu1mpYANvUmV?si=908abc61453c46af
keywords: 50 minutes, gentle, level 1, meditation, somatic asana,... -
1:02:53Episode 10
Somatic Hatha Yoga 3
Episode 10
There is still so much value to doing a straight asana practice to complement our free movement practices. Unearth hidden things that we may not get to when we only move freely. Approach your asana practice more from being than from doing.
playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/6MnFGP6cEov...
1:00:50Episode 11
Somatic Asana: Great Basic Practice
Episode 11
Move the spine in all directions, proceed through basic vinyasa patterns, and into slow and deep stretches, with exploration and using something other than thought to motivate movement.
playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/5rweOjyTgouYDvICBKXn8k?si=30c6b687e5044c8b
keywords: 60 minutes, l... -
1:02:19Episode 12
Somatic Asana: Ribs, Breath, Spine
Episode 12
In this twisting practice we focus on these three elements: spine, ribs, breath, especially where the spine and ribs come together when taking a breath to create space and free the spine and ribcage for fluid movements.
keywords: 60 minutes, gentle, level 1, level 2, moderate, therapeutic, medit...