We use asana in a somatic way, as well as using vibration and chanting. Instead of focusing on alignment or a linear approach to asana, it's more that we feel from the inside what feels right and listen from the inside for emotions and reactions. Stay with what arises.
keywords: om, mantra, toning, vibration, resonance, somatic asana, level 1, level 2, gentle, moderate, sadhana, integration, process samskaras, be with what is, inquiry
Up Next in Somatic Asana
Somatic Asana: Practice & Play
Sit in silence for a few minutes before diving into a guided asana practice with lots of space for exploration and free movement. Moderate
playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/6wOQW8kyUcgC05V1r87HSe?si=5034721c9514417e
keywords: 60 minutes, gentle, level 1, level 2, moderate, meditation, ... -
Somatic Asana: IT Band
Begin with a short meditation and then proceed through mostly gentle asanas (only 2 standing poses) to bring our awareness into the legs, soothe and stretch them.
playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/7u6B9TSgNa3UX63l9Jr9Su?si=233350eba0f548de
keywords: 60 minutes, gentle, level 1, meditat... -
Somatic Asana: Yielding
Explore the process of yielding through movement meditation and a series of asanas. Merge with the flow of energy moving through your practice.
playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/7qnBOM6SPZRu1mpYANvUmV?si=908abc61453c46af
keywords: 50 minutes, gentle, level 1, meditation, somatic asana,...