In this session we spend 30 minutes on gentle stretches, then kapālabhāti and Nādī Shodhana prāṇāyāmas, mantra meditation on Vārāhī’s bījā mantra Aiṃ Glauṃ Aiṃ, then silent meditation
Up Next in Embodiment Sadhana
Gentle Embodiment Sadhana
Gentle to Moderate 40 minutes of movement and asana, followed by 10 minutes of prāṇāyāma and 10 minutes of meditation with optional movement component. No music.
Tantric Embodiment Sadhana: Kali
This Tantric Embodiment Sadhana works with Kali’s mantra, meditation, asana in the form of slow sun salutations and exploratory movement to open the body and release attachment and resistance.
Spotify playlist:
Tantric Embodiment Sadhana: Shake It In
Instead of shaking it out, we’re shaking it in – in order to welcome all experience, all emotions, all sensations into the body and using shaking and other vigorous movement and asana to move stagnant energy and be with what is.
keywords: 60 minutes, level 2, vigorous