Full Embodiment Library

Full Embodiment Library

16 Seasons

This is a full library of over 130 somatic and embodiment practices ranging from vinyasa yoga, restorative, and gentle to more somatic explorations of Authentic Flow, Shake The Dust, Embodied Yin and more. Most classes include meditation, mantra, and tantra-inspired teachings woven into embodiment practices for deeper exploration and wholeness.

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Full Embodiment Library
  • Ease Into Slow Flow

    Episode 1

    start with deep hip stretches, move into a slow lunge flow, end with seated meditation

    keywords: 60 minutes, level 1, level 2, meditation, meditative, moderate

  • AF-ForYogasanaPx-5-14-24

    Episode 2

  • Authentic Flow: Digest Experience

    Episode 3

    Cultivate the qualities and postures of awareness that help to facilitate the arising of that which wants to be digested: Safety, Willingness, Curiosity, Space, Attention, Patience, and more.

    playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/67TgY3eZJ8kpSqy2etQ8mG?si=0bf44357236546c0

    keywords: 60 min...

  • Authentic Flow for Yogāsana Practitioners

    Episode 4

    There is some kind of magic that happens with a combination of evocative music, a bit of guiding language and space holding (but not too much), and movement which can bring you into an altered state of awareness that often yields insight and/or a direct experience of reality, unmediated by your t...

  • Classical Surya Namaskar Slow

    Episode 5

    Classical Surya Namaskar – Instruction and Practice **(Any silence mentioned has been changed to drones in the playlist due to Spotify removing silent tracks)**
    We’ll use Ganesh Mantras and a Ganesh playlist to help us overcome obstacles and get grounded in some of the basics of yoga. You will re...

  • Classical Surya Namaskar with Tantrik Bījā Mantras

    Episode 6

    Take part in this ritual practice. The first 15 minutes is instruction in the movement patterns and translations of the mantras. The rest of the practice is pranayama and steady namaskars, with mantras to guide our movements. Please note that first mantra in each namaskar is in stillness with han...

  • Foundations of Asana & Embodiment: Lesson One

    Episode 7

    This is a class aimed at both total beginners and also seasoned yoga practitioners wanting to learn how to incorporate tantrik view into their embodiment practice.

    keywords: 90 minutes, foundations, embodiment, level 1, workshop

  • Foundations of Asana & Embodiment: Practice One

    Episode 8

    This is the practice session that goes with the Foundations of Asana & Embodiment 1 session.

    keywords: 60 minutes, embodiment, foundations, gentle, level 1, moderate, pranayama, workshop

  • Foundations of Asana & Embodiment: Lesson Two

    Episode 9

    This is part 2 of a series on how to bring the tantrik spiritual view to your practice of embodiment – great for both newbies and seasoned yoga practitioners looking to incorporate tantrik philosophy.

    keywords: tantric, practice, 90 minutes, embodiment, foundations, level 1, level 2, workshop, ...

  • Foundations of Asana & Embodiment: Practice Two

    Episode 10

    This is the practice session to go with the workshop “Foundations of Asana & Embodiment 2”

    keywords: 60 minutes, embodiment, foundations, gentle, level 1, level 2, moderate, workshop, practice

  • Surya Namaskar A&B: Clinic

    Episode 11

    Go over the basic shapes of the poses contained within Sun Salutations A & B, and learn the difference between the two. Frequently in Authentic Flow I’ll say “do a few sun salutations on your own” and this class is meant to give you the tools to be able to do that.

    keywords: 60 minutes, embodim...

  • Build Your Practice

    Episode 12

    Learn some short sequences and then take time to bring them to life in your own body. You will be given enough guidance that you are glad you came to class, and enough freedom that you start to feel what your own yoga feels like in your body – not my idea of yoga, or any other teacher. Start to f...