Tantrik Gratitude Practice w/ Backbends
Favorites Sampler Pack
1h 1m
Enjoy this different take on the practice of gratitude, from a tantric perspective. This 60 min Moderate practice begins with a gratitude contemplation, followed by gentle opening moves and then sun salutations to warm the body for some beginner level backbends.
keywords: moderate, 60 minutes, level 1, gratitude, thanks, thanksgiving, contemplation, meditation, sun salutations, surya namaskar, backbend
Up Next in Favorites Sampler Pack
Spinal Movement, Squats & Meditate
When you’re pressed for time, do this 20 minute moderate to vigorous lower body focused embodiment practice, followed by 10 minutes of silent meditation.
playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/3n7xRqZEM1kJbaeXVLdQrr?si=569aae68209343db
keywords: 30 minutes, authentic flow, moderate, vigorou... -
Mini Practice – Twists & Meditation
Twists & Meditation: Moderate 20 min physical + 10 min meditation. Somatic exploration of energy, blocks, and stagnancy.
playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/5Sjdo6r7i50osH0cOVjAXZ?si=8e50e6c3636047ba
keywords: 30 minutes, authentic flow, level 1, level 2, meditation, moderate, music, abs -
Authentic Flow: Alchemy of Water
Using the pathway of water to bring us deeper into our being, embodiment, and further inside.
playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1amMu4ouAbgRPAeXIKfU0p?si=bf37fe08faa34d01
keywords: water, elemental, alchemy, embodiment, authentic flow, free movement, 60 minutes, bija, mantra, music, j...