30 minutes of gentle āsana, followed by praṇayāma, mantra (Oṃ Gaṃ Gaṇapataye Namaḥ), then silent meditation for a full 60 minute practice.
playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2SRpp6Jrw343MvO8jJmvkf?si=3363e5af371c4789
keywords: 60 minutes, gentle, level 1, mantra, meditation, pranayama, restorative, sadhana, music, free movement, deep stretch, silence
Up Next in Deity Sadhana
Gentle Winter Solstice – Mantra & Pro...
Gentle Mantra, Meditation, and Prostrations for the Solstice – Agni and Gayatri mantras, free movement, and devotional prostrations to candle light.
playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/3fiNqLtJFIlYy4omtkotMA?si=8da65a5af773466b
keywords: 50 minutes, gentle, level 1, mantra, meditation, r... -
Gentle Kālī: Black Radiance
Using Kali’s mantra, a somatic meditation and poetry, we slip into an energy guided gentle practice on the void within. Please have a strap and a block and set your Spotify Playback to Crossfade 5 sec. In Spotify go to Profile > Settings & Privacy > Playback > Crossfade.
playlist: https://open.s...
Expanding The Center
"The blessed goddess, who is simply awareness, is called the center because she continuously exists as the most intimate core of all and it is impossible that anything could exist separately from that ground." (Hareesh) Expanding the Center – In this gentle to moderate class you will be guided th...