Full Embodiment Library

Full Embodiment Library

16 Seasons

This is a full library of over 130 somatic and embodiment practices ranging from vinyasa yoga, restorative, and gentle to more somatic explorations of Authentic Flow, Shake The Dust, Embodied Yin and more. Most classes include meditation, mantra, and tantra-inspired teachings woven into embodiment practices for deeper exploration and wholeness.

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Full Embodiment Library
  • Haṭha Yoga Daily Practice 2

    Episode 1

    Proceed at a steady pace through about 30 āsanas, including sun salutations, to get into all the nooks and crannies, with a somatic approach.

    playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1SwA3vVX8m7cULDyKe2hzM?si=c4ad3124687b49ac
    keywords: 60 minutes, level 2, moderate, somatic asana, music

  • Haṭha Yoga: Daily Practice 1

    Episode 2

    With little verbal instruction, but lots of meditative demonstration we work through 30 poses plus sun salutations in order to move energy through the whole body. Short yet complete body scan in savasana.

    playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1irFLTJoRuAg6Zr27jtLKy?si=239d6ef350644689

  • Cultivating Heart Awareness

    Episode 3

    Cultivate awareness of the heart through this series of simple yet powerful asanas including squats, lunges, and cobra.

    keywords: 60 minutes, gentle, moderate, level 1

  • Flow Through Structure – Hips

    Episode 4

    Hips- Gentle+ Use this framework to explore your hips and give your body what it needs with a couple optional moderate moves. Before I had a mic!

    keywords: 60 minutes, gentle, moderate, level 1, embodiment, somatic, asana, hatha, vinyasa, lunges

  • Nandi & Om Namah Shivaya

    Episode 5

    a 60 minute easy class that brings awareness to the whole body. Begin with meditation & mantra, practice about 40 minutes of asana, then a deep savasana.

    keywords: 60 minutes, beginner, level 1, basic, gentle, moderate, meditation, mantra, om namah shivaya, embodiment sadhana, asana, hatha

  • Consecrating The Body

    Episode 6

    A 75 minute gentle, meditative yoga embodiment practice focused on feeding the goddesses of the senses (primarily touch and body sensing) and acknowledging the sacredness of the pilgrimage site of the body.

    keywords: 75 minutes, gentle, meditation, touch, sensation, level 1, beginner, easy, basi...