In this practice we will sustain. We will go into the patterns that we hold, that support us, that allow us to cope and maintain even during tough times. Sometimes these can feel repetitive, in a comfortable way or an irritating way depending on how you relate to them. Bring your patterns and we will Shake The Dust!!!
Spotify playlist:
Up Next in Shake The Dust
Shake The Dust: Tirodhāna, The Fourth...
The Fourth Act: Concealment – The Veil - explore your contractions, habitual patterns, and occlusions through practicing perpetual movement and integrative stillness.
Spotify playlist:
Shake The Dust: What is Freedom?
Meditate in stillness and movement, MOVE stagnant energy, and use vigorous perpetual intensification to feel what is arising in this moment and move through stuck habitual patterns.
keywords: 60 minutes, leve...