Chant bija mantras of the goddess Om Aim Hrim Srim, energy body meditation and use gentle hip openers to inquire to the body “if you had a message for me what would it be?”
keywords: 50 minutes, gentle, level 1, mantra, meditation, restorative, therapeutic, music
Up Next in Embodied Yin
Deep Stretch Shiva Practice
Deep Stretch and Stillness Practice – Embodied Yin – Have a strap, block and bolster, or a big pillow and a scarf and get ready to relax, go deep, and allow.
keywords: 50 minutes, gentle, level 1, meditation, ... -
Fluid Yin
Start with free movement, then a goddess mantra meditation with the bijas: Om Aim Hrim Klim. We then go into a water themed gentle floor practice.
keywords: hips, twist, savasana, meditation, mantra, 60 minute...