Embodied Insight
These movement practices are guided with a foundation in nondual tantra, somatics, and yoga. Tap into the deepest thing you know and move from there. We use evocative music, meditation, mantra, and inspired movement to navigate through what is ready to move, shake the dust from a life spent too small, and come into our power. You are a radiant being of flesh and light and you were born for this.
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The 5 Acts of Śiva
5 videos
Included are four of the five acts of Śiva: Creation, Maintenance, Dissolution, Concealment are the first 4 and there are practices for each of these. I did not record a practice for the 5th act, Revelation, but when it comes I will add it here for no additional cost. For now, enjoy an exploratio...
Embodiment: Foundations
10 videos
Begin your journey into the exploration of somatics, free movement, asana as mudra or energetic posture, and alignment as a means to awareness, rather than a dogmatic system of right and wrong. Over nine hours of practice over ten sessions will give you plenty of material to work with.