Somatic Asana: Allow Everything To Be
Favorites Sampler Pack
In this series of postures we explore the modes of imagining what it would be like to allow everything to be just as it is, and to move from something other than your mental activity. We discuss how to use asana in a tantric way and whether we're doing traditional tantric practices (we're not!). We are doing two main practices: 1-be with what is arising, 2-move from something other than your mind.
keywords: 60 minutes, embodied yin, gentle, level 1, level 2, meditation, somatic asana, music
Up Next in Favorites Sampler Pack
Authentic Flow: Digest Experience
Cultivate the qualities and postures of awareness that help to facilitate the arising of that which wants to be digested: Safety, Willingness, Curiosity, Space, Attention, Patience, and more.
keywords: 60 min...